Everyone wants a beautiful flower, a beautiful night, a good friend. It is important to be able to love the rose with its thorns, the night with her mystery and a friend with all his problems. Foreslå en ændring I'm honest, grey-eyed, cheerful, lively, real, feminine, delicate, romantic women with a humor sense. i like to reed and to create or design things. It gives peace to my mind and the ability to disconnect from the cares and the satisfaction of creating handicrafts. I love to walk along the beach or in the forest, I like summer rain, I love May, when nature blooms with leaves and flowers, I like autumn, when the leaves rustling underfoot, I like, when fresh snow creaks under the feet. I love cozy evenings with a cup of good tea and a good movie. I like to look at the happy faces, I love when people are very polite and halpful, ... I can not stand when someone trys to lie or manipulate me, I do not like to iron clothes, I do not like being tired and irritable, I do not like being afraid and when I'm cold. I want an honest relationship with a man, who is confident in himselves and for whom the woman he loves - is the BEST, and always in the first place. For such a man I'm ready for anything! And the rest of his shortcomings I can close my eyes!
thú vị: Một cô gái, Nam
Tuổi: 41 - 60
Mục tiêu: Mối quan hệ lâu dài, Tình bạn, Tán tỉnh và hẹn hò
Phòng ngủ tập thể
Tôi có con, chúng tôi sống cùng nhau
Chưa hoàn tất giáo dục đại học
Ngôn ngữ: Dansk, English, Русский
Tôi không hút thuốc
Uống rượu theo dịp
  • Đan Mạch
Châu Âu
Thừa một vài cân
Chiều cao: 162 cm (5′4″)
Cân nặng: 80 kg (176 lb)
Khác giới
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