hey there! i'm NJ 20 years of age, taking up BS comsci from UP. well i'm just here to find a few friends and someone to talk to. also if you are interested in anime or games, i would very much like to talk to you. :3 basic description: height is 5'7, a bit chubby, easy going, somewhat anti-social IRL, but once you get to know me i become somewhat more open to stuff. i really don't have any secrets, what you see here is what i am. hobbies: PC games, anime, video editing, drawing, playing a few instruments, and just being myself. interests: well anime is one of my main interests because there anything is possible, also PC games, though indeed it is limited by the game designer's script, i can be anything i want, its like role play or a movie where you technically die but well you still respawn. i like zombies, i mean i like KILLING zombies, its a great way to relieve stress and all that, also anything historical, like the crusades or from world war 2 era and onwards, i'm also a techie, btw. X3 music: i like japanese rock, mainly because they kick a lot of arse, even their female bands could pile drive most of our bands to dust. i also listen to classical, acoustic, house, electronic, well basically almost all kinds of music, well except for RNB, that genre kinda lacks imagination and creativity. LOL well that basically covers up most of who i am. i am looking forward to talk to you! ciao a nice simple girl whose fun and exciting not too nice and not too naughty either hehe, i want someone real and down to earth and easy to get along with XP
興味: 女性
年齢: 18 - 25
ゴール: 友達関係
言語: English
  • フィリピン
身長: 170 cm (5′7″)
体重: 78 kg (172 lb)
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