, 56
From Ängelholm
Here I am in search of a woman for life, for serious and stable relationship. I am looking for a woman who is ready to either start a life with me or continue a life with me and also, she'll be happy about having a beloved Man like me in her life. I always want to see her happy, smiling and super cool. Her devotion, honesty, loyalty and caring heart is very important. She is a giving person and of course, it should be mutual in the relationship. Her inner calmness and faith in dialogue in all life situations is essential for me. I am looking for compassionate and a passionate soulmate to enjoy our life together, someone with a good heart and romantically inclined. I need you to be the first thing I think of when I wake up in the morning, the last thing on my mind when I fall asleep at night. I hope to find a woman with whom I will feel safe. Of course everybody notices physical beauty but it is not what I am looking for. My woman should be simple, honest and positive-minded. I have great hope there is a woman somewhere who will feel that I am her person even being far away from each! other now. I can compare a real woman to a planet and man is her satellite, pulled by her gravity and power. I want to be my woman's satellite, faithful and permanent. Together we will conquer the whole world. I appreciate intelligence and sense of humor. I am looking for the one who is able for the real feeling of love and with whom we could achieve everything we dream about together.
Interested in: Girl
Age: 41 - 80
Goal: Long-term relationship, Friendship
  • Bilar
  • vind
  • simma
  • Familj
  • frukt
  • motorracing
  • Filmer
  • matlagning
  • studera
  • Försäkring
  • kemi
  • ekonomi
  • utländsk prosa
  • Affärsböcker
  • utländsk fantasy
  • komedier
  • musikaler
  • inhemska filmer
  • TV-serier
  • religiös musik
  • Bibeln
High income
Separate apartment (rented or own)
I have children, we live together
Academic degree
Languages: English
I don't smoke
Social drinker
Caucasus native
Height: 169 cm (5′7″)
Weight: 81 kg (179 lb)
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