I am looking for my one and only. I believe for every person there is a soul mate. I am looking for mine. he needs to be fun loving yet responsible, loves the outdoors and when sitting at home cuddling while watching a movie.The man i'm looking for would have to be romantic, caring, sincere, spontaneous, affectionate, loves to cuddle and give great lip action. someone who is not afraid to speak his mind, not in to head games, like to just take it easy on those lazy days but when work needs to be done is not afraid to get his hands dirty. .I want someone who believes in taking care of his body. This is very important to me.. I believe that personality really defines a person's beauty.. One personality trait in particular that I'm attracted to is confidence.. I'm so tired of being hurt, so I most definitely want a man who's honest, and WON'T cheat!!!I know you are out there and it's just a matter of time before we find each other. I am looking forward to that day with all my heart.. I am preparing myself for you each day. I hope to grow old with you for the rest of my life. To celebrate good times with you and support each other through the bad times. Marriage is a journey that we will grow together through. We will learn things about each other every day. We will not always have good times but we will always love each other and work through our problems. Marriage is forever. So I promise you forever. We will have fun watching football games, taking walks, and watching movies. I look forward to that day and until then, I will be waiting for you with open arms and my heart full of love just for you.you're all that I need and want, Honey. I live for the day that I can sit next to you and whisper into your ear and tell you that I love you, and kiss you ever so lightly but passionately on your lips, and to look into your beautiful eyes as you take my breath away. I live for that first look into your eyes, that first passionate kiss, that first embrace and that first time that we make love together. I live to live, to spend a lifetime with you as your wife and to grow old with you, loving you for all times from now to eternity.. I love to love you.
Ist interessant: Mann
zwischen: 41 - 80
Ziel: Ernsthafte Beziehungen, Freundschaft
Regelmäßiges niedriges Einkommen
Ich wohne bei meinen Eltern
Es gibt Kinder, wohnen gemeinsam
Sprachen: English
Ich rauche nicht
Ich trinke gerne
Einheimischer des Kaukasus
Gewicht: 58.967 kg (130 lb)
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