, 38
Aus Arizona City
if i like you can i keep you ? Looking for a man who knows what he wants(which means not having a good career or lots of money or being able to do ANYTHING to achieve the goal but having enough experience to realize what kind of woman you wanna see next to you and being smart enough to appreciate it if you finally meet her and being strong enough to do everything not to let her go). He should be a real gentleman as well.And guys, being a gentleman is not only opening the door for a woman or wearing a hat. It's treating a girl the way that she feels that she's a lady. For those who wanna play games here with me... You'd better go to the casino- there at least you got a chance to win something,Intelligent, sweet, down-to-earth and adventurous. Bonus points if you're a little bit quirky,An ambitious go-getter. I'm attracted to people who set big goals and put all their effort into pursuing them. Even if your life's dream is to become the world's greatest thumb-wrestler, I totally dig it. A non-smoker... or at least trying to quit. As open-minded as I am, I have to draw the line at cigarettes. I can't stand their smell and don't want to be around smoke all the time. Pet-friendly. My cat Felix loves to meet new people, but if you're allergic to fur, the two of you probably won't get along,An undeniably awesome couple with amazing chemistry. Let's make the world jealous!
Ist interessant: Mann
zwischen: 36 - 80
Ziel: Ernsthafte Beziehungen, Freundschaft
  • relations
  • weekend breaks
  • clubs
  • books
  • shopping
  • computer games
  • massage
  • floristry
  • restaurant business
  • basketball
  • beach volleyball
  • diving
  • jogging
  • salsa
  • Norway
  • Saudi Arabia
  • children's literature
  • business books
  • drama
  • adventure films
  • animated films
  • TV series
  • jazz rock
  • instrumental music
  • spiders
  • Chihuahua dogs
  • the Bible
Stabiles Durchschnittseinkommen
Keinen dauerhaften Wohnsitz
Keine Kinder
2 oder mehr Abschlϋsse von akademischen Einrichtungen
Sprachen: English
Ich rauche nicht
  • Ghana
  • USA
  • Niederlande
Einheimischer des Kaukasus
Größe: 185 cm (6′1″)
Gewicht: 65 kg (143 lb)
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