, 61
From Canberra
* Ladies, Thank you for looking. Please do not contact me if you are older than 40. I am flattered but I am seeking someone with whom children remains a real and practical possibility. I can meet ladies who already have children or over 40 here here in Australia. Contact me if you are coming to or already in Australia and at least a little, can read, write and speak English. I am 48, single, never married and Australian and would like to meet a sincere, feminine and attractive single woman preferably without children from a previous relationship but if at all, maybe a small daughter who is like-minded and interested in a sincere, long term relationship and together children. I am not looking for a housewife to care and do everything for me because as bachelor I have to learnt to cook, wash my laundry and make and clean my house very well. instead I am looking for a someone who is sincere, charming and attractive in the classic way probably a professional who in addition to sharing the responsibilities of home may still want to work and share life, the creation of a home, and family (children). I am looking for someone who is willing to relocate to Australia which is far away and probably very different from your home. I am NOT looking for someone to look after me. I have after many years as a bachelor learned to cook, clean my laundry and wash my clothes very well for myself. Instead as I say in profile I am looking for a someone who is sincere, charming and attractive in the classic way probably a professional who in addition to sharing the responsibilities of home and may still want to work and share life, the creation of a home, and family (children). Someone will have some common interests but also her own which make her individual, someone who is supportive but also challenging and stimulating. Someone who is willing to relocate to Australia which is far away from and very different to the Ukraine.
Interested in: Girl
Age: 31 - 40
Goal: Long-term relationship
Stable average income
No children but I would like to have kids one day
Languages: Deutsch, English, Français
I don't smoke
Social drinker
A few extra kilos
Height: 178 cm (5′10″)
Weight: 89 kg (196 lb)
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