, 56
From Aalborg
Everyone wants a beautiful flower, a beautiful night, a good friend. It is important to be able to love the rose with its thorns, the night with her mystery and a friend with all his problems. Foreslå en ændring I'm honest, grey-eyed, cheerful, lively, real, feminine, delicate, romantic women with a humor sense. i like to reed and to create or design things. It gives peace to my mind and the ability to disconnect from the cares and the satisfaction of creating handicrafts. I love to walk along the beach or in the forest, I like summer rain, I love May, when nature blooms with leaves and flowers, I like autumn, when the leaves rustling underfoot, I like, when fresh snow creaks under the feet. I love cozy evenings with a cup of good tea and a good movie. I like to look at the happy faces, I love when people are very polite and halpful, ... I can not stand when someone trys to lie or manipulate me, I do not like to iron clothes, I do not like being tired and irritable, I do not like being afraid and when I'm cold. I want an honest relationship with a man, who is confident in himselves and for whom the woman he loves - is the BEST, and always in the first place. For such a man I'm ready for anything! And the rest of his shortcomings I can close my eyes!
Interested in: Girl, Guy
Age: 41 - 60
Goal: Long-term relationship, Friendship, Flirting and dating
Dorm room
I have children, we live together
Incomplete higher education
Languages: Dansk, English, Русский
I don't smoke
Social drinker
  • Denmark
A few extra kilos
Height: 162 cm (5′4″)
Weight: 80 kg (176 lb)
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